Weight Loss Doctors Near Me

experts in holistic health solutions

Move from feeling confused, lost and uncertain about your health to finding answers, guidance and support on your unique way(s) to wellness.

We use Natural Medicine, Stress Solutions, Holistic Health Tools and Techniques to help you TRANSFORM on mind, body, soul level with Science & Nature in Balance.

Weight Loss Doctors Near Me

do you want to change & become a happier, healthier YOU?

Stressed? Lack of work-life balance? Tired of feeling sick and tired? It’s time to connect with our experts!

Many people go through life without ever experiencing the joy of feeling on top of the world, i.e. being perfectly happy with all aspects of their lives: physical appearance (skin, body shape, weight and muscle tone); fitness levels; and mental-emotional and spiritual wellbeing.

In their quest for this optimal living, they rush from pillar to post, trying to find different service providers for all their needs.

Would it not be wonderful if someone could address all your needs, professionally and holistically, in one space?

We can!

Weight Loss Doctors Near Me

Healthy Living Doesn’t Have To Be A Punishment! Let Us Show You How.

Weight Loss Doctors Near Me

You are not a victim of your genes

We understand the inherited challenges you might experience and what it feels like, however you can learn how to transcend your genetic code. Our options allow you to decide what aligns with your health goals, way of thinking and lifestyle.

Holistic Medicine

Holistic medicine support the body’s natural ability to health through physiological and biological support, by reducing stress and promoting a state of relaxation that leads to better health.

Stress Solutions

Take Control of Personal & Workplace Stress and Enjoy a More Productive Life. Wellness coaching and training teach people to eat-, feel-, think – and move better. It also teaches practical relaxation, new ways of thinking, brain re-patterning and re-programming, ultimately reducing personal & workplace stress.


A Science & Research-Based Weight Loss Clinic Our results-driven, Holistic Weight Control Clinic will help you achieve lasting results! Take control and get more self-confidence, energy & vitality!

Youthful Living

A 3 step multi-faceted integrative journey, including beauty without, beauty within and beauty of being; for longevity and healthy aging.


Low carb ready-made meals that are Weight Control Clinic approved, gluten free, wheat/grain free, with free range and organic ingredients


Your online fitness centre. Exercise should not be a punishment! It’s time to find your FunFitness.

Weight Loss Doctors Near Me


Ariani Academy is where we take our years of experience, knowledge and expertise and teach you all about health and wellness using our holistic health training solutions with science and nature in balance. Our courses, masterclasses, workshops and programs aim to improve your life by addressing specific harmful habits and helping you make the best decisions about YOUR health and wellbeing.

Online Courses

From $30 (or +/- R560)

Our step-by-step approach informs while encouraging you to grow and develop as a healthy, happy human being! The courses and training solutions are designed to suit your need. Whether you prefer a short and sweet online approach or an in-depth 16-week learning experience, you will find it at Ariani Academy.

Become a Member of TRANSFORM

$59 (or +/- R1100) / Month

TRANSFORM is our monthly membership offer. You receive our support, guidance and motivation on your holistic health journey, at a fraction of the price. Invest in your health and TRANSFORM on Body, Mind and Soul Level for a healthier, happier you!

Including the Following Every Month:

Weight Loss Doctors Near Me

shop our store

Original price was: R7,800.00.Current price is: R6,600.00.
Original price was: R3,900.00.Current price is: R3,500.00.
Holistic Stress Solutions Course (Online)
Original price was: R1,200.00.Current price is: R840.00.
Original price was: R7,800.00.Current price is: R6,600.00.
Original price was: R3,900.00.Current price is: R3,500.00.
Holistic Stress Solutions Course (Online)
Original price was: R1,200.00.Current price is: R840.00.
"I was very depressed, sometimes suicidal. The anti-depressants kept me awake at night and I felt terrible at times. I could not leave home. Life was a daily struggle. At times I felt like giving up. Dr Arien took me off the anti-depressants slowly and put me on natural medication (Neuro Balance).
There was a dramatic improvement in my quality of life. I had a new desire to live, I could think more clearly, I could drive my car safely. I slept much better. I could go out, visit friends, go to church. I want to express my deep appreciation to Dr Arien for her kind help."
Johan Barnard
"My hot flushes that I was having literally every 20 minutes disappeared almost immediately after I started using the Female Balance. I would highly recommend it!"
Jayne de Jager
"Dr Arien helped me improve my thyroid function. When I started with her treatment and at the Weight Control Clinic I was on Thyroid medication that I have been using for many years. Now I only use the natural medicine and my thyroid function is back to normal for the first time in many years. Thank you very much Dr Arien & Anri!"
Eunice Oechler
"I just want to say thank you so much. Since I started using all your natural medicine products (Heart Brain Body Support & Antioxidant, Omega, Calcium & Magnesium, Female Balance & Appetrol), I feel ten tons better than before and my nails aren’t breaking anymore. My most sincere appreciation."
Onica Lewis

Weight Loss Doctors Near Me

calling all health practitioners / health shops

If you are a Health Practitioner or Health Shop Owner click here for more information on our products and how to become a distributor. Feel free to complete the form alongside and we will get in touch with you. Click here to view our Product Distributors.
Product Distributors

Weight Loss Doctors Near Me


The term ‘holistic’ (from the root word ‘whole’) health describes therapies that consider the individual as a whole person (mind, body, soul) or rather part of a more extensive system. Therefore, instead of treating only the symptoms of an illness or disease (as in mainstream medicine), we look at the root cause of the physiological imbalance before recommending specific treatments and health coaching protocols.

Weight Loss Doctors Near Me

We take complex science & convert it into Practical tools, tips & techniques

Weight Loss Doctors Near Me

Feel more energy. Gain a new zest for life. Experience more joy and happiness. Even increase sex drive. The list continues!

Our holistic approach comprises Holistic Medicine, The Weight Control Clinic, a Youthful Living approach through our Timeless DNA Program, Stress Solutions and Workplace Wellness. The tools and techniques used are non-invasive and support the body’s return to its natural state of health (known as homeostasis or equilibrium or inner balance).

We often forget that our body’s natural state is to be healthy, happy and whole. And, very often, we don’t realise what condition our body is in. But, whatever your situation, Dr Arien and Anri can assist! Dr Arien is the Holistic Medical Doctor, Specialist Holistic Counsellor and Anri, the Holistic Health Counsellor, Physiologist & Fitness Expert you’ve been looking for! Along with their professional team, they will focus on finding the best holistic health solution(s) to fit your specific lifestyle and goal.

Weight Loss Doctors Near Me

as featured

Weight Loss Doctors Near Me

Ready To take responsibility? We Don't Do Diets and Rather Consider The whole person holistically - Mind, body and soul.

Weight Loss Doctors Near Me


Dr Arien van der Merwe

MBChB (Pretoria) ASCHP (SA)

‘Health & Happiness is Our Birthright!’

Dr Arien is a Medical Doctor, Specialist Holistic Counsellor, Author and Co-Creator of Ariani Health Solutions. Recent books: ‘Health & Happiness’, ‘Stress Solutions’ (book and ‘Relax & Unwind’ MP3 Audios), ‘Managing Diabetes & Related Health Challenges’ and ‘Little Blue Bird of Love’ (children’s book, 4-7 yrs).

She also formulates Ariani Nutraceutical Products, the most recent being Neuro Balance (incl. Nootropics such as Lion’s mane, Gingko biloba and Ashwagandha). Dr Arien’s true calling is Holistic and Attitudinal Healing as based on Psychiatrist Dr Gerald Jampolsky’s work.


MSc (Pretoria) ASCHP (SA)

‘The Body Achieves What The Mind Believes.’

Anri is a Holistic Health Counsellor, Neurophysiologist, Health & Fitness Scientist and Co-Creator of Ariani Health Solutions. She assists patients on their health and fat loss journeys. She also manages The Weight Control Clinic at Ariani Health Solutions.

Anri developed PlayFunFitness™ and FitFood in order to support patients in their health journeys. She focusses on fun, effective workouts, as well as colourful, creative and delicious low carb recipes to help patients follow a healthy lifestyle with ease.

Weight Loss Doctors Near Me

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Join our Facebook Group for FREE Talks, Tips & Tools to make healthy living easier! 

Making Way for a New You! 

This is our way of giving back to the community! 

INTEND. Masterclass

Unlock Your Full Health Potential: Achieve and Maintain Your Health and Happiness Goals Health and Happiness is your birthright! You deserve to be optimally healthy,

Read More »

Weight Loss Doctors Near Me


"I lost 8 kg in 9 weeks! What made this weight/fat loss program different, is that I never felt hungry or deprived! I was still able to enjoy food at restaurant with my family. I am a chocoholic so I was really surprised that I was able to eat NO chocolates during this time. Thank you, Anri, for your positive attitude and support during this very fulfilling journey. This program has changed my life, the way I think about food and health! I THINK about what I eat now."
Tertia Botha
"My experience with the Weight Control Clinic & Team Ariani has been nothing short of phenomenal. The advice, help and constant support from Anri has been amazing, and her willingness to offer advice about exercises, alternate food options and emotional/stress eating is exceptional.

Dr Arien is likewise wonderful, as her attention to detail on the medical front has allowed me to approach the program with confidence and the assurance that all that could be done for my benefit was being done.
The program has changed my life for the better, and I walk confidently to the rest of the year knowing that Team Ariani is there for me every step of the way."
"My fitness level has improved so much (and my arms are half the size it was) and I do not gulp for air anymore when I dance. Thank you so much Dr Arien, and Anri! A dictionary does not have enough words to describe how grateful I am for your help and support."
"It has been such a wonderful experience and opportunity to have been doing this training on holistic health with Dr Arien & Anri. I would like to use this opportunity, to say thank you for your guidance and patience with me. I have learned so much in a short period of time and it only fuelled my passion to assist clients to take more responsibility for their own health. I would like to become a distributor of Ariani products as I, with my practical training experience, have seen firsthand that there is a huge gap and lack in proper health education and products available which really address the root health problems, in the market "
Lazanne Kruger
Although on the surface I’ve transformed my body (after following The Weight Control Clinic Program, I released 22.7kg), I want to continue to learn and transform the thoughts, beliefs and patterns within me that is not serving my highest potential. The Transform Membership is an excellent platform to continue learning and get challenged to grow. I enjoy the support and guidance on this journey with the freedom of doing it at my own pace.
Isabel Botha
"I love, love, love your food! I am absolutely crazy about your ‘Mince Filled Tomatoes’ and your ‘Beef Patties’ are phenomenal! The ‘Bacon and Cheese Quiche’ is super delicious and is my ultimate favourite. These are definitely my top 3 so far!"