Youthful Living (Timeless DNA)

A 3 step multi-faceted integrative journey, including beauty without, beauty within and beauty of being; for longevity and healthy aging.

  1. Beauty Without – The Serum: to reactivate Telomerase enzyme in skin cells. Special oils and herbs carefully selected to nourish, deeply moisturise, plump and rejuvenate even the most sensitive and dehydrated skin. Supporting optimal skin cell function, reducing wrinkles, restoring collagen and youthful-looking skin. Click here for more information
  2. Beauty Within – ‘Heart Brain Body Support & Antioxidant’ Nutraceutical (‘food as medicine’): food supplement to support cell function and cell-to-cell communication in all organs and systems to ensure longevity, rejuvenation and optimal function. Click here for more information 
  3. Beauty of Being – Youthful Living Courses: Brain re-patterning, with emotional release work, creating inner peace, joy, playfulness, serenity through an active Mind-Body-Soul Lifestyle Program to reprogram for optimal health, perpetual optimism and youthful living:
