Weight Loss Injections Near Me

A Science & Research-Based Weight Loss Clinic

Our results-driven Weight Control Clinic (since 1974) will help you achieve lasting and real results! Take control and lose excess weight while improving self-confidence, energy, overall health & vitality!

Weight Loss Injections Near Me

About Us

The Weight Control Clinic was established in 1974, by Dr W Gauché. Dr Arien van der Merwe bought the successful clinic in 2012 and partnered with Anri in 2018. Incorporating their natural, holistic and integrative approach, Dr Arien and Anri transformed the clinic into one of the world’s leading weight loss programs.

What Makes our Weight Loss Clinic Unique? Our Program…

  • Is research/scientific based with medical supervision for optimal results.
  • Fits into your personality, lifestyle and goals
  • Makes use of natural, safe highly effective nutraceuticals & fat burners to boost your metabolism & encourage fat loss; for long term results.
  • Focuses on decreasing health risks for diabesity, metabolic syndrome, heart disease, osteoarthritis, depression, etc.
  • Provides ongoing support, positive motivation and advice, ensuring you stay on track to reach & maintain your healthy goal weight.
  • Have helped thousands of patients lose fat successfully since 1974
  • No hormones & no stimulants!
  • Is a holistic approach – meaning we look at body, mind and emotional factors to help you release fat and keep it off

Healthy Living Doesn’t Have To Be A Punishment! Let us show you how to make it FUN, nourishing, empowering and effective. 

Our 5 Steps to SMART Weight/Fat Loss

STEP 1: The Start-Up & Follow Up Eating Plan (EatSMART)
Week 1: We detox your body and give the pancreas a well-deserved break Week 2: We introduce healthy fats/oils, protein and complex carbs (if necessary) to restore blood sugar balance and sensitivity

STEP 2: Our Secret Weapon (HerbSMART)
HerbSMART is our all completely natural and safe Rapid Fat Burner Bundle (incl. herbal remedies and nutraceutical food supplements). Here, we support metabolic functioning (no hormones or stimulants).

STEP 3 : Mind Solutions for Sustainable Weight Release (EmoSMART)
Here we address stress and emotional reasons for eating and food addiction. We use mindful living and eating practices, tools and techniques to deal with emotional saboteurs.

STEP 4: Exercise is Medicine (FitSMART)
Enjoy personalised FunFitness exercise programs and a FitSMART Guide for personal health and fitness goals.

STEP 5: Maintenance is crucial!
We provide you with the tools, tips and techniques to maintain the weight after you have released it. This will ensure that your new weight becomes your body’s new set point weight. This will prevent the weight from piling on again

Stop searching for “Weight Loss Injections Near Me ” and order online today!

Weight Loss Injections Near Me

We have a buffet of fat loss options for you to choose from based on your need, goal and budget

From eating plans, fat burners, and fat loss ampules to in-depth VIP packages.

Here are some guidelines to help you choose the best option for you:

Our Effective, Low Carb Eating Plan


The EatSMART eGuide will make your fat loss journey to a healthy body weight not only easy but achievable. 

This eGuide is also accompanied by our EatSMART eGuide Video Training (facilitated by Anri).  All content and videos available immediately after purchase. 

EatSmart Guide


This bundle is a combination of natural, powerful, effective and comprehensive fat burners formulated by Dr Arien, based on current research, for optimal fat loss.  No stimulants or hormones!

Rapid Fat Burner Bundle

For A Natural Boost in Metabolism


This package is designed to be used with our EatSMART eGuide or your personal eating plan. 

Our well-known natural fat loss ampules contain no hormones/stimulants and include weekly online consultations with our Weight Control Clinic Expert to support, advise and motivate you on your fat loss journey.

Weight Loss Ampules

Weight Loss Injections Near Me

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Weight Loss Injections Near Me

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Weight Loss Injections Near Me

Healthy Living Doesn’t Have To Be A Punishment!
Let Us Show You How.

Weight Loss Doctors Near Me

For A Holistic Approach to Fat Loss with Support, Motivation and Guidance:

online or in person:

To release up to 5kg of weight

To release between 5kg to 10kg of weight

To release between 10kg to 15kg of weight

For Personalised Packages, Online Holistic Weight Loss Courses/Training or Any Questions:

Main Contact Form

Weight Loss Injections Near Me

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Weight Loss Injections Near Me


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Weight Loss Doctors Near Me

Weight Loss Injections Near Me

Ready To take responsibility? We Don't Do Diets and Rather Consider The whole person holistically - Mind, body and soul.

Weight Loss Injections Near Me


Dr Arien van der Merwe

MBChB (Pretoria) ASCHP (SA)

‘Health & Happiness is Our Birthright!’

Dr Arien is a Medical Doctor, Specialist Holistic Counsellor, Author and Co-Creator of Ariani Health Solutions. Recent books: ‘Health & Happiness’, ‘Stress Solutions’ (book and ‘Relax & Unwind’ MP3 Audios), ‘Managing Diabetes & Related Health Challenges’ and ‘Little Blue Bird of Love’ (children’s book, 4-7 yrs).

She also formulates Ariani Nutraceutical Products, the most recent being Neuro Balance (incl. Nootropics such as Lion’s mane, Gingko biloba and Ashwagandha). Dr Arien’s true calling is Holistic and Attitudinal Healing as based on Psychiatrist Dr Gerald Jampolsky’s work.


MSc (Pretoria) ASCHP (SA)

‘The Body Achieves What The Mind Believes.’

Anri is a Holistic Health Counsellor, Neurophysiologist, Health & Fitness Scientist and Co-Creator of Ariani Health Solutions. She assists patients on their health and fat loss journeys. She also manages The Weight Control Clinic at Ariani Health Solutions.

Anri developed PlayFunFitness™ and FitFood in order to support patients in their health journeys. She focusses on fun, effective workouts, as well as colourful, creative and delicious low carb recipes to help patients follow a healthy lifestyle with ease.