Making Sense of Supplements (Online Series)


 Making Sense of Supplements (Online Series)

The How, What and Why of Nutraceuticals (aka Food Supplements)

The world of supplements can be very confusing. There are so many brands in health shops and stores that to find one that is optimal for you can be super challenging!

This series is available immediately to download, after purchase.

Let us help you by making sense of supplements in this 3 Part Series. This will take the guesswork out of choosing supplements and whether you need it or not – for you, your family or clients/patients.

We invite you to come learn more about the how, what and why of supplements. This will help you make informed decisions about your own, your family’s and/or your clients’/patients’ health and happiness.

Read more below…

*This series is complimentary for all our active Product Distributors, as a bonus of being part of Team Ariani.


 Making Sense of Supplements (Online Series)

The How, What and Why of Nutraceuticals (aka Food Supplements)

Making sense of supplements can be confusing! From what ingredients and quantities to look out for, to knowing if it is good quality products and whether you may benefit from using it; are all valid points to consider! There are so many brands in health shops and stores that to find one that is optimal for you can be super challenging!

We invite you to come learn more about the how, what and why of supplements. This will help you make informed decisions about your own, your family’s and/or your clients’/patients’ health and happiness. This series is available immediately to download, after purchase.

We share the how, what and why of supplements based on scientific research, our knowledge, expertise and experience. As always we will share practical tools, tips and techniques to make it easy and effortless.

3 PART SERIES (read more on each below):

*This series is complimentary for all our active Product Distributors, as a bonus of being part of Team Ariani.


😟 Feel sick and tired all the time?
😞 Have little to no energy, most of the time?
😴 Struggle to sleep?
😞 Forget things easily?
😔 Struggle with concentration, focus and attention?
😳 Feel your productivity is lacking?
😩 Feel stressed, anxious and/or depressed?
💅 Notice that your nails are brittle and breaks easily?
😔 Notice that your toe(s) feel numb or do you experience winter hands and feet?
🔥 Struggle with thyroid issues or a slow metabolism?

Then your body’s micronutrient levels might be low!

Micronutrients (vitamins, minerals and herbs) are involved in EVERY. SINGLE. CHEMICAL REACTION in your body. It improves your metabolism, immune system, nervous system and help ALL your organ systems function optimally.


PART 1: Making Sense of Antioxidants, Omega, Calcium & Magnesium [LIVE: 16 Aug 2023, 10h30-12h00]

Part 1 includes:

  • An introduction of supplements (incl. possible benefits, when it may be needed to add to your lifestyle, symptoms associated with the lack of micronutrients)
  • Epigenetic principles and what you can do that is more important than genetic weaknesses
  • Science on the how, what and why of Antioxidants, Omega, Calcium & Magnesium (what we call the Basic 3 for Optimal Health) for general system support

Click here to read more about Part 1 and/or to purchase Part 1 separately

PART 2: Making Sense of  System Support Supplements [LIVE: 23 Aug 2023, 10h30-12h00]

Part 2 includes:

  • Nutritional cost of prescription drugs
  • An introduction of system support supplements:
    • Nervous system support for calming the nervous system, mental health imbalances (anxiety, stress, depression), concentration, memory, productivity etc.
    • Female reproductive system support for hormone imbalances, endometriosis, PCOS etc.
    • Pancreatic/diabetic support, incl. metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance, blood sugar control etc.
    • Liver support for phase 1 & 2 liver detoxification.
  • Science on the how, what and why of system support supplements

Click here to read more about Part 2 and/or to purchase Part 2 separately

PART 3: Making Sense of Fat Loss Supplements [LIVE: 30 Aug 2023, 10h30-12h00]

Part 3 includes:

  • An introduction of fat loss supplements (incl. herbs and micronutrients that may support fat metabolism)
  • Science on the how, what and why of fat loss supplements to support the metabolism
  • Does fat loss supplements actually work

Click here to read more about Part 3 and/or to purchase Part 3 separately


Food supplements made from natural (rather than synthetic) food based ingredients, are called nutriceuticals. Nutri- from the word nutrition, and –ceutical from the word pharmaceutical, for the healing and balancing effect of food used as medicine. Nutriceuticals are recognized by the body as natural and therefore the absorption and bioavailability for cellular function would be better than that of synthetic (manufactured) supplements or medications

We often receive so many questions about what to look out for when buying or choosing nutraceuticals:

– Do I need supplements? Is it really necessary? And if I do, which one(s)?
– What is good quality supplements?
– What should the ingredients be and in what specific quantities?
– The price range?
– What are the possible benefits of using supplements?
– How should I take them?
– I’m using supplements, but I don’t know why or what it should be doing for my health?
– I bought supplements, but is it a waste of money?

Let us help you by making sense of supplements in this 3 Part Series. This will take the guesswork out of choosing supplements and whether you need it or not – for you, your family and/or clients/patients.


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