Heart Health

Heart Health

Heart Health

The heart – where the physical body, high vibration of LOVE and the soul meet.             

The natural, integrative holistic treatment options are aimed at improving energy metabolism inside the heart’s cells as well as blood supply to the heart, while simultaneously facilitating the welcoming releasing and surrendering of suppressed emotional and mental energy.

Heart attacks and heart health risks

A thorough heart health risk evaluation should form part of everybody’s yearly preventative medical examination, whether or not you have symptoms or a positive family history. Do the usual listed screening tests but be sure to include C-reactive protein (inflammation marker), homocysteine, Vit D, and exertion ECG.

On the physical level

We always associate chest pain with heart attacks, and for good reason, but it’s not the whole story — especially for women. While chest pain is the most common symptom of a heart attack, women can have symptoms that aren’t related to chest pain at all. They need to be on the lookout for other, subtler symptoms

Also, we need to dig deeper into the symptom of chest pain for both men and women as it relates to heart attacks. It is seldom as dramatic as you might think, and it can feel like pressure or heart burn that  comes on over time.

3 subtle symptoms women especially should watch for:

  1. Unusual fatigue

Like many women, you’re probably busy most of the time. You may take care of a family, run a household, work outside the home and care for aging parents. You are probably also tired a lot of the time. Most likely this is normal.

But you should pay attention to fatigue if it is new or dramatic. Here’s what to watch out for:

You are suddenly worn out after your typical exercise routine.

You aren’t exerting yourself, but have fatigue or a “heavy” chest.

Simple activity like making the bed, walking to the bathroom or shopping makes you excessively tired.

Although you feel exceptionally tired, you also experience sleep disturbance.

  1. Sweating and/or shortness of breath

As women age, a lack of exercise and gradual weight gain cause issues like shortness of breath. Hot flashes are a common complaint for many women during menopause.

But these symptoms can signal a heart problem when they happen in certain situations:

  • Sudden sweating or shortness of breath without exertion
  • Breathlessness that continues to worsen over time after exertion
  • Shortness of breath that worsens when lying down and improves when propping up
  • “Stress” sweat (cold, clammy feeling) when there is no real cause for stress
  • Sweating or shortness of breath accompanied by other symptoms such as chest pain or fatigue
  1. Neck, jaw, back pain

As intricate as our body’s systems are, they are very adept at giving signals when there is something wrong. When there is a problem with the heart, it triggers nerves in that area, but you sometimes feel pain elsewhere – called referred pain.

Pain in the jaw, back or arms may signal a heart condition, especially if the origin is hard to pinpoint (for example there is no specific muscle or joint that aches). Also, if the discomfort begins or worsens when you are exerting yourself, and then stops when you quit exercising, you should get it checked out.

Here are some other signs to look out for:

Women,  in particular,  can have pain in either arm — not just the left one like many men.

Pain in the lower or upper back often starts in the chest and spreads to these areas.

The pain is sometimes sudden, not due to physical exertion, and can wake you up at night.

You may feel pain that is specific to the left, lower side of the jaw.

If you have any of these signs, call an ambulance and get to a hospital right away.

Natural, integrative, holistic approach to heart health

The heart is not only a pump. It is also an endocrine gland making and secreting ANF (atrio-natriuretic factor). The heart’s electromagnetic, crystalline field extends at least a measurable three meters away from it and entangles with others’ fields. These energies form a torus field. The heart is in a 24/7 communication with and informing, the brain and body.

Integrative healing modalities

  • Physical

Heart healthy eating and the most important nutrients and herbal remedies for heart health:

  • Antioxidant combination with enough vitamins A, E, C and minerals zinc, selenium, chromium, copper
  • High dosages of the B-complex vitamins B1, 3, 5, 6, choline, inositol; B12 & biotin; folic acid
  • Magnesium together with calcium in the correct ratio
  • Co-enzyme Q10 in therapeutic quantities
  • Hawthorn (Crateagus oxyacantha) berry in therapeutic quantities
  • Essential fatty acids, especially omega 3 found in cold water fish
  • Ginkgo bilobain therapeutic quantities
  • Garlic – eat crushed garlic in your food – at least 3 cloves a day, with parsley for the smell, or take garlic capsules
  • Phyto (plant) oestrogens and many other important nutrients, e.g. soybeans, chick peas, lentils, linseed, nuts and seeds
  • Have your homocysteine measured together with your regular lipid profile tests. High levels mean high risk: accumulated homocysteine damages the inner lining of the arteries, and encourages the formation of atherosclerosis

A study done at Ohio State University in the USA, even showed a link between high homocysteine levels and an attitude of hostility and anger. The stress associated with hostility and anger may elevate homocysteine levels, accelerating damage to the inside of the arterial walls (atherosclerosis)

The treatment is cheap, simple and extremely effective: consume sufficient amounts of vitamin E, B6, B12 and folic acid/folate (often deficient in people with high homocysteine)  These nutrients ensure the conversion of homocysteine into beneficial antioxidants.

  • Mental-Emotional

Heartfelt feelings

We often say: my heart’s not in it anymore; my heart is sore; my heart is breaking. This is much more literal than we think! In all cultures and religions, the experience of peace, love, healing and harmony are seated in the heart and thymus (responsible for immunity) region in the chest. Feelings of love also have a positive influence on the immune system, hormones and cognitive brain function.

Heart rhythm patterns and emotions

When going for your next ECG, do your own test with how you’re feeling and see how your heart rate changes accordingly:

In his book, ‘Love & Survival’, Dr Dean Ornish says that the most important contributing factor to heart health, is the love and intimacy found in close relationships. Research has shown that people in Japan and France (both countries with low heart disease risk) have very close family and friendship links, signifying the perception they have of having a support system in times of trouble. Lack of love and intimacy has been shown to be the most consistent predictor of heart disease! This is a more consistent factor than genetics and risk factors such as obesity, too little exercise, high LDL-cholesterol, poor nutrition and smoking.

Even some of the risk factors can be attributable to lack of social interaction and feeling isolated and alone! People smoke, drink, or overeat as an ineffective, harmful way of stilling the mind from the stressful monkey chatter, to try and prevent the emotions from surfacing.

Understanding  suppressed emotions, does NOT imply that you CAUSE your disease on purpose! The process occurs on a deeply unconscious level in cell memories. You can however, become consciously aware of these issues and through process work, help your inner self to heal, leading to personal power and inner peace.

The heart and cell memories

Reports from heart transplant patients illustrate that sometimes the new heart comes with cell memories from the donor. A well-known case was of a woman who hated curry, then received the heart of an Indian boy who died in a motorcycle accident. A while after her transplant, she developed a craving for curried food!

PubMed reports on personality changes following a heart transplant where recipients develop personality traits of the donor. These have been reported for decades and are mostly characterised into 4 categories: (1) changes in preferences, (2) alterations in emotions/temperament, (3) modifications of identity, and (4) memories from the donor’s life.  

Healing ideas for your heart:

Healing your physical body to release cell memories, optimise physical health and use the body to connect you to your mind, emotions and soul essence

  • Identify body signals of severe stress: feel the pain, anxiety, restlessness, insomnia, depression
  • Breathing exercises to open the chest area, expand the lungs, increase oxygenation of cells: belly or diaphragmatic breathing, bellows breathing, alternate nostril breathing
  • Progressive deep muscle relaxation
  • Specific yoga exercises including head, neck and shoulder stretches and rotations; cobra pose; half locust pose; head-to-knee pose, chest extensions, etc.
  • Dance movements such as Nia technique, and slow, mindful movement like Tai ‘chi.
  • Following a heart health eating plan

Healing your emotions or feelings towards yourself and others

  • Work on releasing past emotional injuries and hurts, including relationships, release of sorrow, guilt, forgiveness and acceptance of self and others
  • Anger management: learn how to acknowledge the intense energy of anger and allow it proper expression

Healing your thoughts

  • Use heart centered positive affirmations and directed visualisations to sense feelings of love, joy, peace and happiness within the heart.
  • Go on a journey of self-discovery: let go of deeply ingrained unconscious patterns of behaviour that do not serve you any longer, through journaling, psychotherapy, free hand writing

Healing by connecting to your deeper, Higher Self or soul

  • Meditate regularly: mindfulness, witnessing, visualization meditations work well for the heart
  • Releasing the shadow deep inside the unconscious mind through transpersonal and soul based psychotherapy
  • Quiet time, soul reflection and contemplation

The heart of the matter

When people open their hearts to unselfish, unconditional love, a whole new world of possibilities opens. Rather than spending effort avoiding the selfishness of others, they spend time making sure that the way they choose to serve society is done in the best way possible. When people can trust others to treat each other with love and respect rather than as competitors, then everyone gains.

As heart-centered awareness grows and blooms within society, people’s primary focus will shift away from service to self and towards service to others. When it does, the world will transform out of all recognition.

We connect on a heart level. Our heartfelt action, will create a heartfelt reality among us and the people who are attracted to our energy.

LOVE and forgiveness of self and others, letting go of past hurts and grudges, are the best healing we can do to change and form new neuro-networks to enhance neuroplasticity. We can all heal our hearts physically, mentally and soulfully. Let us all focus on our higher heart vibrations dancing in the frequencies of LOVE based on forgiveness, where we reach out to others.

And as HeartMath Institute says: ‘It is helpful to include our heart’s feelings and nudges when making important choices and action plans’.

When the heart vibrations are included in all our life choices, we can intuitively trust that we’ll make the best, most loving choices for ourselves and others, especially during these times of uncertainty, mental challenges and reflection on our true path of transformation. As we connect more with our heart feelings, we naturally are kinder, respectful and more compassionate. We often notice a heightened sensitivity to the renewing benevolence of caring networking and connection with others and our deeper self.