Dr Arien believes that stress is the root cause of modern-day ailments and discomfort; and that a healthy diet and exercise is not all it takes to manage stress.
Want to optimise your heart health and lower your cholesterol levels naturally? Super Omega is composed of Omega 3 (essential fatty acid) that may support heart- and overall health while lowering cholesterol levels naturally. Our Super Omega capsules are scientifically formulated to reduce the post-ingestion ‘fishy’ after-taste and combine well with mainstream medication. Read more below.
The Timeless DNA Bundle is ideal to support longevity (beauty within and beauty without). Ingredients in this bundle are essential for skin health, cellular rejuvenation, renewal and functioning. Read more below.
The Timeless DNA Serum is a potent and natural serum that penetrates deeply to repair, regenerate and rejuvenate the skin. Containing longevity promoting DNA telomerase supporting ingredients and blending with healing and nourishing, mostly South African oils, is the ultimate treat for your day and night skincare regime! Read more below.