
In ‘Health & Happiness’, Dr Arien explores the connection between stress and good healthan everyday and how cultivating a life where stress is managed implicitly leads to improved health.


In ‘Health & Happiness’, Dr Arien explores the connection between stress and good health an everyday and how cultivating a life where stress is managed implicitly leads to improved health. She explores the different aspects of a healthy lifestyle – ranging from exercise, relaxation, and the correct use of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and herbs. Dr Arien seamlessly incorporates her medical knowledge with a holistic lifestyle approach and complementary natural remedies. ‘Health & Happiness is a fountain of wisdom for those seeking to live a life that is in balance, stress managed and healthy.

‘Health and Happiness’ was first published in 1998 by Tafelberg Publishers and is now in its 8th print. It was completely edited and revised in 2013 and published globally by Fox & Raven, May 2014. A hard copy edition of the book is available In-House or Online at our Health Shop.


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